The uncanny resemblance between Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi and Superman's arch nemesis makes me chuckle. Sitting atop $9.4 Billion in loose change, having engaged in numerous (alleged) extra-marital affairs, and considering the fact that his trials have their own Wikipedia page, Berlusconi's résumé for super villain-hood is strong. Oh, and he runs a European nation.
He arrives on the M-Theory radar this week as a result of his recent display of testicular fortitude. If you were an Italian Prime Minister (and who's to say you're not?) and your wife recently announced that she would be divorcing you (after fresh allegations of unfaithfulness), you might sit down and get your house in order, if only to avoid the political ramifications a public divorce trial might have on your re-election chances. Add to that the fact that you didn't sign a prenup, (putting you on the line for a potential $4.7 Billion settlement *dead*) you might decide to break your wife off with a Kobe diamond (See: No. 2), in exchange for public silence and a smile.
Not Silvio Berlusconi. In a deft example of PR jujitsu, he instead demanded that his wife apologize TO HIM saying, "Veronica will have to publicly apologize to me. And I don't know if that will be enough". *jaw on ground*. So Silvio, (can I call you Silvio? Good.) you perform the smash and dash, allow it to leak to the press, and then demand your wife apologize? How do you walk straight with coglione's that huge? With the outcome of this Italian drama still to be decided, M-Theory is your destination for all things Lex Luthor.
I'll just say this-- Europeans know how to have sex scandals, unlike us Puritans across the pond.
Geez, american sex scandals are pretty lame, especially when politicians are involved. Clinton, Edwards? They cheated on their wives and then people got mad at them. The end.
This is perfect.
Great post.
*Favourite Underrated*
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