I just feel like the current economic cataclysm is a prime example of when a lack of knowledge regarding events around you leads to the forfeiting of your right to have a say in the conversation, much less your right to do anything about it. Ignorance makes you the slave of the knowledgeable. Break the chains.
"We played against each other like puppets, swearin' you got pull
when the only pull you got is the wool over your eyes..." -Talib Kweli
Check this article from the current issue of Rolling Stone. By far the most concise and easy to understand explanation of what's happening with the economy/bailout. Instead of reading that article about Chris Brown's new line of boxing gloves, or Rihanna's new line of bruise cover up, scan something that'll temporarily unplug you from the Matrix. I promise it'll still be there when you're done reading.
And as long as we're illuminating great political commentary, check the latest podcast from M-Theory affiliate (and by "affiliate" we mean "entity that influences and is in no way really associated with M-Theory") and fellow Martian, Dan Carlin. With so much fecal matter spewing forth from the mouths of the mainstream media, Common Sense With Dan Carlin is a wellspring of well, common sense. His current installment is entitled "Of Torches and Pitchforks" and speaks to the current outbreak of populism following the AIG debacle. In this Matrix analogy, Dan Carlin would be Morpheus. By listening, you'll even learn Kung Fu*.
*That may be incorrect.
NOTE: Just click where it says "Show 148- Of Torches and Pitchforks" in order to listen to an audio stream of the episode, without having to download anything. Conversely, you can download the episode on Itunes.
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