
Favourite Underrated

Hypothetical Action Hero Showdown

Bruce Lee v. Iron Man. But only because somebody made a video. In a close second, I'd have to go with Ozymandias v. Batman. And I'd say Ozymandias over the Knighted One in the end, but only because Bubastis could eat Robin.

[Sidebar:] Silver Surfer > Your favourite superhero.

Lifted from my new favorite blog, Disgrasian.

Definitely in my 'Top 5 Dead or Alive Asian Commentary Blogs'.


Bianka Rose said...

that one is very hard.
i would have to say....
green lantern v. Batman.
for personal reasons
but we all know that Batman would [obviously] win.

Anonymous said...

What?!? "Obviously"? My incredulity level at the mere supposition that Batman could compete with, let alone defeat a hero with an actual power, is reaching somewhere near one-hundred-thousand-trillion.

Green Lantern's ring is a little too gangster for some Bat-erangs. That's like bringing a knife to a grenade fight*.

*I may be misquoting that cliche phrase.

Bianka Rose said...

Green lantern does NOT have an "actual" power. He has a ring. Without it, he is NOTHING. He's just a man in a funky green suit. At least Batman has brains.

*I think you are...

Anonymous said...

Touché. So you're suggesting Batman would beat Green Lantern if they came across each other in a bar, because of course Green Lantern would leave his ring at home, so as not to confuse prospective "women friends", who might think he was married.

Yeah, Commrade Wayne would probably win in that case.

Raléigh said...

Samus vs. Master Chief.
However, this would be two fights in one.
The second would be an underlying battle of the sexes: Woman vs Man.

In the Green Lantern graphic novel 'Hal Jordan's Legacy' Green Lantern is simulated against Batman and ends up making a huge green rocket and tying batman to it before he can react and sending him to outer space where he suffocates.
In the graphic novel 'JLA TOWER OF BABEL' Ra's al Ghul steals Batman's contingency plans for dealing with each of the super-powered members JLA. In case any of them ever became evil.
Ras' men use hypnotic suggestion to cause Kyle Rayner to go blind. Once blind he was no longer able to use his ring. Ra's also walks through the rest of the league in that book.

He may just beat him yet.

Zoopsia said...

I litter every day and in that simple way I beat green lantern. Oh wait, I'm thinking of Captain Planet...

Raléigh Sama, I'm impressed by your knowledge. Your GL knowledge > my GL knowledge.

Samus + Master Chief= never ending battle of epic-ocity-ness*

*I may have fabricated that word.

Raléigh said...


An actual movie where samus vs master chief takes place. Gay ending. Literally.