
Thing You Won't Be Purchasing On Amazon This Week:

ESL (English As A Second Language) Lessons Presented by Lil' Wayne.

Description: While his southern drawl and disdain for annunciation are barriers enough to learning English through the Wayne-ian system, I fear once an unsuspecting student has penetrated this cocoon of linguistic insolubility, the contents on the other side would be a detriment to his/her ability to command proper spelling and/or the rules of logic. Possessing such cognitively disabling lyrics as "Put my picture next to the definition of 'definition' because repetition is the father of learnin'" "My car's got no backseat-- call that paralyzed" and "Weezy F. Baby and the 'F' is for phenomenal", disciples of Wayne-ian thought are sure to disarm even the most seasoned and quick-witted English instructors. Non-native English speakers are sure to be further perplexed by Wayne-ian Thought's constant use of double entendres ("Let me stick my love boat in your lake, let me stick my love note in your gate"), misuse of metaphors ("We up, feet up, like a paraplegic!") and descents into Circulo-Swagtastic debauchery ("I'm the sh!t-- and that's the only thing you smell around me").

In describing the philosophy behind his stupor inducing logic progressions, the self proclaimed Martian espoused "Perfect example: If I was a bum and I told you I had a mansion around the corner and three Bentleys and twenty-eight bitches in my house butt naked waiting for me, you wouldn’t believe me. I’d say 'you stink', say 'Get out my face', give him $100, and say 'Get the fuck'. But if there was a book that said, there was this bum with a mansion with twenty bitches in it, you’ll try to use it and put it toward real life. That’s why I don’t write nothing down. That’s why I don’t believe the Bible, nothing that’s written, because nothing that’s written is to be believed". Words of wisdom, to be sure. [Full interview here.]

Not only will "ESL: Presented by Lil' Wayne Vol. I" NOT be available for $29.95 via Amazon.com, neither will the complementary children set "Using Your Indoor Voice: Presented by Lil' Jon", nor the equally instructive "Feminist Evolution in the 21st Century: Presented by A Pimp Named Slickback". And as for anyone wishing these horrific series' actually existed-- for shame [Insert Your Name Here_____], for shame.

Photo originally seen on Nah Right.


Is There A Window Open?

Or is Zeus just having a bit of a coughing spell? Either way I feel a breath of fresh air.


Happy Chinese New Year

Year of the Ox


Favourite Underrated

Favourite Underrated term for a woman:


Ronald: Hey, Harold, would you like to join Leonard and I on the greens tomorrow?
Harold: But of course! However, if the Wench asks, we are playing a gruelling game of chess.

Let's try to not get out of hand on this one.... xD



I would rather not put my life into your hands, but I trust you.

I recieved music lessons as a gift, and all I have to do is go and sign up. My dilemma is this; for what should I take lessons?




I learned how to play uke (@ 5) years ago from a friend who was from Samoa, and since I have been self taught.
I inhereted a banjo from my late grandfather years ago, and have no clue how to play.

So, should I further my uke prowess or should I be more eclectic in what I can play?


We Can Make It Better

Yes we can.

I shouldn't have to explain the significance of this.

[Sidebar:] That desk is hot fire. I'm tryna cop one. [Close Sidebar]


Favourite Underrated

Mathematical Variable

Mine is Theta (θ). It looks like a zero but it's not.
If we want to get technical it really means nine.

Whats yours?

Favourite Underrated

Loony Tunes character.

I gotta go with Marvin the Martian. He had some dope laser beams, and he was the inspiration for Tha Carter III. Bong, Bong.


Favourite Underrated

Favourite Underrated Term For Muscles:


Deedee: Hey, can you come lift this box for me? My potatoes aren't big enough.
Me: Yeah, these are idaho spuds, I'll get it.

Alright already.... let me have 'em.

Ethereal Material V1.3

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Inauguration Edition. Selections inspired by the momentous occasion. Only 10 in the cut, because the one below wasn't available on playlist.com:

NOTE: 'Black Republican' is on there because the instrumental should be Obama's theme music, which plays anytime he enters a room/event/planet.

Hit the pop-out player if you can't get all the songs.


Dr. MLK Jr.

A Collaborative Post is Going Down. This is a Missy Elliot M-Theory Exclusive.

So, a small intro is necessary. The pictures are courtesy of LIFE (obviously). You can browse their archives via Google. It's amazing, I couldn't believe it when I found colour photos of Dr. King! The main Part of this post was written by Vexed, I asked him to write a few thoughts on Martin Luther King Jr. day. Anything Bold-Italic is me inserting my opinion (wise and otherwise (mostly otherwise)).

Wiping the sleep out my eyes this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I just feel I need to address a couple of misappropriations and misnomers running rampant in popular thought today.

1. Barack Obama is NOWHERE NEAR as fine an orator as MLK. Period. Amen!

I understand that vague comparisons and categories are what's hot in the streets because they don't require you to think, but let's not get carried away. Obama's style of oration owes much to Dr. King, but doesn't come close in scope or substance (Sun > lightbulb). We've become too used to having George W. Bush (possessing the rhetorical skills of Foghorn Leghorn Porky Pig) as president, who makes everybody else sound like Winston Churchill. This is not to detract from Pres. Obama's abilities as a speaker, but as ODB might've said "MLK is the father of his whole style". I stood 50 feet away from President Obama whilst he was speaking and there's no question that it was moving. But let that be enough. Go listen to "I Have A Dream" one more time and realize that MLK was in another league. Please? I mean, most people are only familiar with that one piece of work (if any), I beg you to read/listen to something else by him. "What else should I familiarize myself with?" You might ask. Anything. Anything else, and you would understand how well he strung words together.

2. Contrary to what you may have heard approximately 17,000 times between election night and today, when Dr. King said "I've seen the Promised Land", he wasn't referring to today.

Just because we've got a black president, all of a sudden everything's all good? Too often, I fear the collective mentality of white people (gross over generalizations aside) is "Alright black people. You managed to win the presidency. I don't want to hear about racism any more. It's dead". Tell that to the families of Sean Bell or Oscar Grant. As long as black people disproportionately fill our prisons, ghettos and morgues, this can't be the Promised Land.

3. Really, when I think about Martin Luther King Jr. it just heightens my awareness of the vacuum of leadership present in today's world. Most of the problems created over the past 30 years, and the solutions we need today can be attributed to this gaping hole where revolutionary thought should be. I hold out hope that Obama can fill this void, but I fear that America's stagnation (mental and physical) will smother any attempt at change. Maybe Obama can pull Excalibur from the stone where MLK left it when he died, but in my mind there will only be one King.


Let The Hilarity Ensue

And I thought the last one was funny.

This is in my Top 10 Dead or Alive commercials of 2009. Take that ESPN.


Ethereal Material V1.2

You already know. The Rainy Day Edition



At times I feel like the weather makes me crazy. (Holler if ya hear me!)
However it's not really the weather directly, rather, the weather vicariously through other people.

Favourite Underrated Rant:
Weather is Weather.
When people complain about the weather and how crazy it is where they reside, it drives me crazy. I always end up saying things like: oh. You don't say. The weather changed? Imagine that. Yeah that IS weird.
And then they feel validated, like they just made a good point. I reckon a point was made: weather is unpredictable. I would venture to say that weather and unpredictability are synonymous.

[Begin Sidebar]
If I were a running-back in the NFL, I would want "The Weather" to be my alias.
I can hear sports center now:
Today on the field Reggie "the Weather" Bush was partly cloudy with a 20% chance of precipitation (or is that participation? no, that's not right) as Bart Starr drops back to make a pass. The defense had all the receivers covered and it seemed that the sun was peaking out from behind the clouds but then out of "nowhere" (AKA The Gulf of Mexico) Reggie "the Weather" Bush took a hand-off and blew through the defense like Katrina the biggest hurrricane since 2005. As he hit the end-zone he pulled a wad of money out of his pocket, comparable in size to that of a baguette, or a croissant, and proceeded to make it rain.
[End Sidebar]

But if ever I point this out, I get the response of:
"no, zoop. you don't understand. the weather in Lansing/Utah/Tennessee/mars is extra weird."
then comes the story:
"the other day I was walking to my car and all of the sudden it started raining! and then like five minutes later it stopped!"
or I get this one:
"just last week it was _________ [insert weather condition] and then today it's _________ [insert same/diff. weather condition]"
I usually reply with the same ole, "oh. You don't say. The weather changed? Imagine that. Yeah that IS weird."
Anyways, alls I'm tryna say is that weather is gonna change. Aint noway nohow your'n gwanna change it.
It's a waste of time. I am trying to be more like Samuel Clemens and instead of hating the weather (or my inability to control it) I strive to find the silver lining. (As I always say: age before beauty.)

The following speech is optional part of this post, continue reading if you want, or not (mutually exclusive.)


The Oldest Inhabitant—The Weather—

Who hath lost and doth forget it?

Who hath it still and doth regret it?

“Interpose betwixt us Twain.”

—Merchant of Venice.

I reverently believe that the Maker who made us all, makes everything in New-England but the weather. I don’t know who makes that, but I think it must be raw apprentices in the Weather Clerk’s factory, who experiment and learn how in New-England, for board and clothes, and then are promoted to make weather for countries that require a good article and will take their custom elsewhere if they don’t get it. [Laughter.] There is a sumptuous variety about the New-England weather that compels the stranger’s admiration—and regret. [Laughter.] The weather is always doing something there; always attending strictly to business; always getting up new designs and trying them on the people to see how they will go. [Laughter.] But it gets through more business in Spring than in any other season. In the Spring I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours. [Laughter.] It was I that made the fame and fortune of that man that had that marvelous collection of weather on exhibition at the Centennial that so astounded the foreigners. He was going to travel all over the world and get specimens from all the climes. I said, “Don’t you do it; you come to New-England on a favorable Spring day.” I told him what we could do, in the way of style, variety, and quantity. [Laughter.] Well, he came, and he made his collection in four days. As to variety; why, he confessed that he got hundreds of kinds of weather that he had never heard of before. And as to quantity; well, after he had picked out and discarded all that was blemished in any way, he not only had weather enough, but weather to spare; weather to hire out; weather to sell; to deposit; weather to invest; weather to give to the poor. [Laughter and applause.] The people of New-England are by nature patient and forbearing; but there are some things which they will not stand. Every year they kill a lot of poets for writing about “Beautiful Spring.”1 [Laughter.] These are generally casual visitors, who bring their notions of Spring from somewhere else, and cannot, of course, know how the natives feel about Spring. And so, the first thing they know, the opportunity to inquire how they feel has permanently gone by. [Laughter.]

Old Probabilities has a mighty reputation for accurate prophecy, and thoroughly well deserves it. You take up the papers and observe how crisply and confidently he checks off what to-day’s weather is going to be on the Pacific, down South, in the Middle States, in the Wisconsin region, see him sail along in the joy and pride of his power till he gets to New-England, and then see his tail drop. He doesn’t know what the weather is going to be in New-England. He can’t any more tell than he can tell how many Presidents of the United States there’s going to be next year. [Applause.] Well, he mulls it over, and by and by he gets out something about like this: Probable nor’-east to sou’-west winds, varying to the southard and westard and eastard and points between; high and low barometer, sweeping around from place to place; probable areas of rain, snow, hail, and drought, succeeded or preceded by earthquakes, with thunder and lightning. [Loud laughter and applause.] Then he jots down this postscript from his wandering mind to cover accidents: “But it is possible that the programme may be wholly changed in the meantime.” [Loud laughter.]

Yes, one of the brightest gems in the New-England weather is the dazzling uncertainty of it. There is only one thing certain about it, you are certain there is going to be plenty of weather. [Laughter.] A perfect grand review; but you never can tell which end of the procession is going to move first. You fix up for the drought; you leave your umbrella in the house and sally out with your sprinkling-pot, and ten to one you get drowned. [Applause.] You make up your mind that the earthquake is due; you stand from under and take hold of something to steady yourself, and the first thing you know, you know you get struck by lightning. [Laughter.] These are great disappointments. But they can’t be helped. [Laughter.] The lightning there is peculiar; it is so convincing when it strikes a thing it doesn’t leave enough of that thing behind for you to tell whether—well, you’d think it was something valuable, and a Congressman had been there. [Loud laughter, and applause.]

And the thunder. When the thunder commences to merely tune up, and scrape, and saw, and key up the instruments for the performance, strangers say, “Why, what awful thunder you have here!” But when the baton is raised and the real concert begins, you’ll find that stranger down in the cellar, with his head in the ash-barrel. [Laughter.]

Now, as to the size of the weather in New-England—lengthways, I mean. It is utterly disproportioned to the size of the little country. [Laughter.] Half the time, when it is packed as full as it can stick, you will see that New-England weather sticking out beyond the edges and projecting around hundreds and hundreds of miles over the neighboring States. [Laughter.] She can’t hold a tenth part of her weather. You can see cracks all about, where she has strained herself trying to do it. [Laughter.]

I could speak volumes about the inhuman perversity of the New-England weather, but I will give but a single specimen. I like to hear rain on a tin roof, so I covered part of my roof with tin, with an eye to that luxury. Well, Sir, do you think it every rains on the tin? No, Sir; skips it every time. [Laughter.]

Mind, in this speech I have been trying merely to do honor to the New-England weather; no language could do it justice. [Laughter.] But after all there are at least one or two things about that weather, (or, if you please, effects produced by it) which we residents would not like to part with. [Applause.] If we had not our bewitching Autumn foliage, we should still have to credit the weather with one feature which compensates for all its bullying vagaries—the ice-storm—when a leafless tree is clothed with ice from the bottom to the top—ice that is as bright and clear as crystal; every bough and twig is strung with ice-beads, frozen dew-drops, and the whole tree sparkles, cold and white like the Shah of Persia’s diamond plume.2 [Applause.] Then the wind waves the branches, and the sun comes out and turns all those myriads of beads and drops to prisms, that glow and hum and flash with all manner of colored fires, which change and change again, with inconceivable rapidity, from blue to red, from red to green, and green to gold; the tree becomes a sparkling fountain, a very explosion of dazzling jewels; and it stands there the acme, the climax, the supremest possibility in art or nature of bewildering, intoxicating, intolerable magnificence! One cannot make the words too strong. [Long continued applause.]

Month after month I lay up hate and grudge against the New-England weather; but when the ice-storm comes at last, I say, “There, I forgive you now; the books are square between us; you don’t owe me a cent; go and sin no more; your little faults and foibles count for nothing; you are the most enchanting weather in the world!” [Applause and laughter.]


New Nike Advert

Mike Epps x Kobe Bryant x DJ AM x Air Yeezy's. Both the Yeezy's and the Kobe's look fresh, but I don't know if my ankles could hold up in some Lows.

[Sidebar]: I got wheels on the low.


Ethereal Material V1.1


NOTE: Due to technical difficulties involving Blogger, click on the Pop Out Player to view all of the songs.


Favourite Underrated

Thing you don't miss until its gone.

Heroin. I'm going with cup holders in your car. Nothing like 3rd degree burns on your groin to wake you up in the morning.


Favourite Underrated



I'm eager to hear yours'


Your Toilet Is Killing You

Just read. *Mouth drops to floor*