I'm on the same page, paragraph and punctuation as
Bianka right now. Walk with me.
People from Brooklyn are known for being Fresh. Now when I say Fresh, I mean they show no chink in the armor,for it would be instantaneous suicide on a number of levels (socially, psychologically, and even physically). Every aspect of their being or endeavor engaged in, is on point (or so the necessary facade would suggest). There can be no appearance of weakness, because a self reinforcing cycle has been formed whereby only the strongest of the strong survive. Weakness the size of a pinhole is enlarged into a doorway and immediately smashed down. This leads to an absurd bravado, the audacity of which is hard to comprehend by those who do not possess it, or have not borne witness to it. Mundane interactions explode into voracious vestibules of vitriolic verbiage, used to slay any who would dare think themselves possessing strength.
A thought process might evolve in this manner: "Look at that dude. Ah, word? He's tryna eat chips like that? He thinks its acceptable to get crumbs all over his gear and have cheese stains underneath his fingernails? This dude ain't sh!t."
This is the Brooklyn
Steez. The systematic breakdown and degradation of other individuals, in order to have some point of advantage over them. It is the possession of a necessary self confidence, wherein anyone who has the audacity to question any aspect of your existence must be crazy and subsequently dealt with. Individuals are unknowingly judged by their actions, which if are in conflict with your perception of "correct", "cool", etc., indicates a challenge to your being, which cannot be accepted. Said individuals are then supremely detested and seen as not worth the atoms forming their basic components. This state of mind can be seen as a self defense mechanism, because in this environment everybody's looking at you the same way-- as a potential threat to their unquestioned supremacy.
Now this might seem incredibly harsh and devastatingly negative to most individuals, and perhaps rightly so. But every environment has its benchmarks for success and failure, and in Brooklyn (and other areas generally marked by poverty and/or lack of economic upward mobility)the benchmark is incredibly high.
Now for a plethora of reasons, environment and DNA not being insignificant ones, I possess the Brooklyn Steez. However, as I have come to the conclusion that this perceptual framework is not productive in many places, I don't operate within its confines in most situations, unless I know that it is the definitive modus operandi of interaction in said place. However...
Throughout my life and increasingly more so as time has progressed, I have come across individuals so oblivious to their own repulsive tendencies, (which they perceive to be "cool" and worthy of praise) that I immediately revert back into my Brooklyn Steez. The standards by which people judge themselves have been twisted and construed, so as to render their logic for being the way they are, unrecognizable. Why would they do that? They are clearly lacking in any skill or trait that would garner praise from any individual with any kind of intelligence. Yet, they possess a confidence that is completely unearned and unwarranted.
Their blissful ignorance propels me into a fit of rage that is not insignificant. I begin to dissect every aspect of their being and find gaping holes in their armor through which I would verbally annihilate them, if they ever attempted to propagate their supposed worthiness in my vicinity.
This disqualifies my interest in 95% of the people I meet. (Maybe I just live in an area with a high concentration of ignorance.) Their lack of a demeanor which adequately reflects their lack of positive attributes, causes the immediate quelling of any desire I might have of getting to know them.
Bottom line: If you're ignorant and you know it,
clap your hands either spend some time working on you, or get the f!@k away from me.
Holla if you hear me.
NOTE: The face seen at the top of this post shall henceforth be known as the *Maino Face*. This is the face made when one is operating within the Brooklyn Steez. And yes, Maino is from Brooklyn.