Right now I'm feeling like that's who I would expect to see runnin' with these clowns. I mean, at least he admits he's evil. We have one candidate who thinks being at war is fun (no, seriously he told me so) and another who's voters think that he can make cars run on rainbow power, and that he will defecate solid gold.
[Begin tangent on McCain] Richard the Lionhearted didn't succeed, what makes him think he can/will? The beautiful Maid Marian is lacking in gubernatorial qualifications. She will not be able to watch his country while he's away. Although, if I were to see a picture of him in a banana hammock, while holding a gun, then I may vote for him. [end]

[Begin tangent on Obama]
Obama supports pulling out... of Iraq. He wants change yet really contradicted himself with his VP selection - eh? He wants to raise our taxes! His reverend and close personal friend said... something... a few years back. or something[end]
MY (zoopsia) close personal friend Benjamin Franklin says this on the matter:
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
"Geese are but Geese tho' we may think 'em Swans; and Truth will be Truth tho' it sometimes prove mortifying and distasteful"
Vexed Interjects: The Zoopsiatic One is on point. But let's air this one all the way out.
A.) McCain supporters- Your man cannot "shake up Washington". He's been there for 26 years and hasn't done a damn thing.(Except be investigated for corruption.) Be real.
NO ONE IS OUT TO TAKE YOUR GUNS, ABORT YOUR BABIES, OR RAISE YOUR TAXES. If you truly think other candidate is gonna' do any of these things, and therefore you support McCain, you're not worth your weight in elephant manure.
B.) Obama supporters- You will be disappointed. The office of the president is no where near as powerful as people think. He cannot recite a haiku that will end poverty, the 2nd Gulf War, or Global Warming.
What does "Change" mean? The man has never defined it, and is comfortable leaving you to arrive at your own conclusion. When your idea of "change" doesn't come to fruition with an Obama presidency, you will curse him just like you curse every other politician.
If you are thinking to yourself, "Who is Cthulhu? and how do I pronounce his name? and why does Zoopsia want to see McCain in a banana hammock?" Then the Cthulhu page might help. Also you could read more in depth at Wiki: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Cthulhu fhtagn!
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