There's usually a good 2 hour window between when I lay my head to rest and when the Z's finally catch up. I gotta confess that this is the time when some of my best thoughts, theories and Hypothesii are concocted. Here's a re-occurring thought of mine that was somewhere off near the Crab Nebula, until recent events brought it closer to Mars:
All my generation knows is prosperity. There's been no war that's put us on a cliff overlooking destruction. There's been no plague to remind us that human life is precious. There's been no cataclysmic event to humble and remind us that there are bigger forces at work throughout the cosmos. And because of this, many lack what I consider a necessary perspective. One that informs us of a truth that our ancestors knew, but that we've forgotten: Tomorrow isn't promised.
The planet earth as we know it is approximately 4.5 Billion years old. Humans have been around for maybe a few hundred-thousand years. And of those few hundred-thousand, we've only had our act together (read: Industrialized) for maybe the past 200 years (rounding up). I say that to say this: "Civilization" is not the norm. Huge urbanized centers of human coagulation are not par for the course. Nation states are not a given entity. For most of human history we've been a tribal species warring over the limited resources this planet has to offer. A species just hoping to survive the defining events of every previous time: War, Pestilence and Destruction.
But now we've had a taste of success. Many of us no longer have to worry about basic survival. Food is abundant. The natural predators of humans have been pushed to the brink of extinction. Life is now about something else. Progress maybe. I can't call it. And although I'd love to see us establish a world peace, invent the perpetual motion machine and terraform other worlds, I don't see it happening.
Our time will face the same defining moments as all others. We're just choosing to ignore the warning signs that they're on the horizon. And the craziest thing is-- our defining moments, if not addressed properly, could end us all. And while that last sentence may appear a bit hyperbolic, consider the challenges we face. Global Warming, AIDS, SARS, Bird Flu, Nuclear Proliferation, all of which have the potential to end life as we know it on planet Earth. Not to mention the economic disparity that exists in this world. Eventually those with the least will have only one place to turn in order to to acquire their basic necessities: To those with most (read: THE UNITED STATES). And with how much congeniality do you think they'll approach? My bet is somewhere around None.
My point is this: How long do you think our age of prosperity will last? I'm not willing to bet it'll last through my lifetime.
So with that in mind, maybe instead of basing your life decisions on their immediate impacts, or even how they'll effect your future in this current "civilized" context, you should be keeping one eye looking at how you'll survive in a world that you've never even thought about, much less been to.
Or maybe I should just go to sleep.