
Not Yet Midnight...

"If you can make it through the night, there's a brighter day..." -Tupac Shakur

Not sure there'll be too many takers on this one. [Even though it may be the most pertinent post thus far.]

So the economy has been Goin' Down faster than Mary J. circa '94 this past year, and according to those in the know, we're gonna take a few more punches this round before the bell sounds.

All you have to read on this one is the headline:

And this one is a short, layman-termed editorial, letting you know what's in store:

You might not have a mortgage, and you might not have any stocks or bonds, but if you think the comin' wave can't crash over you? Paisan-- you're already under water.


Bianka Rose said...

well i think i prefer Edvard Munch's original. so much more depth than that of homer simpson.

Anonymous said...

You dare suggest that a masterpiece of classic origin is greater than a sarcastic reproduction, created for cheap laughs? I'm afraid your intelligence is getting in the way of your basic human instinct to be ignorant. *Tsk, Tsk*