
In America You'll Never Be Free...

This is not the America I signed up for. I've said constantly that I'm in love, in fact straight up INFATUATED, with the idea of America. But the execution of the idea known as "America" leaves much to be desired, at best. At worst "America" is a sick joke, a trojan horse created for those with the greatest amount of avarice at heart to run rampant and unchecked.

The latest examples of American hypocrisy can be found here and here. Both are short, but even if you don't wanna read 'em just take a look at the titles.

So as you can see, it doesn't matter what side you're on. You think differently? Welcome to Guantanamo Express.

Last time I checked, America was born out of protest and subsequent action.

9-11 really did deal a deathblow to America. Now the president government can call you a terrorist and legally detain you for as long as they please. No trial, no jury, no problem.

(And don't think because you're a citizen it can't happen to you. Ever heard of "home grown terrorists"? When the government gets to define "terrorist", what makes you think they won't use that to stay in power?)

Your neighbor won't even miss you. He'll probably let his dog sh!t on your lawn.

Wake up.

1 comment:

Zoopsia said...

this is terribly spiteful, and cynnical. yet true. my man plato needs to speak to our government.
and my neighbors WOULD miss me.