This post shall serve as an introductory post for all posts with a post label (at the posterior of the post) reading: "White Girl Perspective".
From time to time, VexedIntellects and I experience a phenomenon whereby we feel it of necessity to resolve quandaries with the help of a W.A.S. (White Anglo Saxon) female. Often the perspectives, positions and purviews of said female differ a not insignificant amount from our own, thereby affording us solutions to enigmas otherwise outside of our realm of mastery. When said phenomenon occurs we then attempt to acquiesce these intellectual gems from her via a post on our posting site, or web logging site, if you will. There are no portents regarding the postulations contained within a post bearing the postscript "White Girl Perspective", except that you'll probably realize after a single sentence that neither myself nor Vexed possess that writing style. Let the posting commence posthaste!*
*Words consisting of, or containing the term "post" were used approximately 63 times in this post. Make that 64.
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