
A Lil' Diddy

If you told someone 10 to 15 years ago that the music industry would be huge in video games they probably would have laughed at you. Music has come along way from the simple polyphonic tunes of Mario Bros. Although classic, the music from that time was simple and repetitive.

These days to have a blockbuster game you need to have a blockbuster soundtrack to go with it. It is that important to have a great theme that is recognizable. It is no longer a simple polyphonic sound but has grown to even be a symphonic sound. With games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, music is hitting it big in the video game market. Such video game music that made it big using the sound of a symphony are games like Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Civilization and Advent Rising. Songs like these have been traveling around the states on a tour called Video Games Live with sell-outs and encore shows.

Recently the Hollywood Music Awards (HMA's) included a new category for the first time in their ceremonies. This new category is for video games with awards given to "Best Original Score," "Best Original Song," and "Outstanding Music Supervision." This is the first time video game music has been recognized equally with movies and television. This years winners are as follows:

Best Original Score
Wataru Hokoyama - Afrika (Afrika)

Best Original Song
Azam Ali - Logan's Shadow (Siphon Filter: Dark Mirror)

Outstanding Music Supervision
Steve Schnur - Madden NFL 2008 (Electronic Arts)


Long live PS2!

It appears that the PS2 will be no longer. After this holiday season developers will be withdrawing their support from the PS2. 
What does that mean? It means no new games for the PS2. Sony was hoping for 10 years but will only get 8 of their historic system. That is quite a feat. New systems come out about every 5 years, give or take a year. Even after the release of the PS3 Sony continued to support their lesser system. 
That is more than Microsoft can say about their Xbox. Microsoft stopped with the new release of games for their Xbox only a few months after the Xbox 360 was available in stores.
PS2 had and still has one of the biggest user bases for a console system. Microsoft could learn something from Sony.

(Source: MCV)


Linguistically Averse Moronic Existence

If you think you might be a L.A.M.E., there are people out there who can help.

1. Webster
2. Nasir
3. Lincoln
4. Lipton
5. Weezy, Jeezy, Yeezy..... Williams

This has been a Public Service Announcement, brought to you by the good people at M-Theory.



As in "Yo, his joints are Doomed out."

More angles here.



"Hi my name is Rick and I'm a Game Addict."

"Hi Rick."
Some news out ouf Canada is suggesting that the addiction to gaming can be fatal.  This probably isn't the first time this has been said or heard of.  Once again parents of these so called addicts are looking for more education about this phenomina.  Should it be included in the schools like sex and drug eductaion?  It seems parents are getting lazier and lazier about the education that should take place in their homes.  A friend commented to me the other day that "..times have changed since he was young.  Nobody goes outside anymore because they have thier video games."  It is true. More and more people choose the confines of their house or room to hang out with friends over the internet.  This addiction is even being compared to acloholism.  Well anything done outside of moderation can be considered an addiction in which people plan their lives around.  Would planning a specific route to work just so you can pick up your fovorite coffee each morning be an addiction, what about listening to music on a portable device so you can take it where ever you go, and what about making sure you are home and available for your favorite TV program?  If we want to talk about addictions lets make sure we don't leave anyone out.  
(Source: Canadian Press)

Oh yeah, in China"people have died playing at Internet cafes for several days straight."
For help with your game addiction follow this link.


The Wrong Things, The Wrong Things

This song goes out to 112% of the women I've ever known.*

Kanye West feat. Kid Cudi- Anyway

Fall back ladies. Don't get caught up wasting your excess mental energy on baseless vague-ery.

Category A: If it's within your direct power to solve your problem, by all means do it. If not-- Keep It Movin' ma, don't stress it. You'll live longer, I promise.

Category B: Think for a hot minute about whether or not your issue is really an issue at all. You probably got bigger fish to fry.

"Things that I can change I should, things that I can't need to be understood..." -Common

*That was a gross over-generalization.

Oh, and this track is fire. I can't recommend it any more highly. I'm ghost.


Nerves of Steele

The morning sun was barely peaking over the horizon when Trevor awoke. It was a particularly brisk morning, and Trevor did not want to get out of bed, but he knew the fish would not wait. Trevor slunk out of his small one-man tent and over to the remnants of last night's cook fire. Carefully, he dug through the ashes till he found a few coals still warm from the previous night. It was very difficult re-lighting the fire since all the good kindling was still hoary from the frozen morning dew, but his persistence paid off. Warming himself by the fire, he began cleaning the knife he was using to strip the wood of its wet bark. Then, picking up a piece of gnarled wood he had decided not to use in the fire due to its shape, he began whittling one of the several knots into a crooked nose. As Trevor was musing on the events of the fishing trip over the past few days, he heard a rustle from inside one of the other two tents and soon saw Preston, his younger brother, emerge. In the third tent lay Matthew Steele. “Why did we bring him?” thought Trevor to himself. Since the very beginning of this almost perfect fishing trip, it has been pock-marked by Matthew's uncanny ability to stumble into trouble. Although Matthew was a mischievous boy, it was hardly ever his own doing that trouble found him. It was like trouble was his own personal raincloud, waiting for him to put down his umbrella. His mischievous nature only served as a catalyst.
Preston sat down next to Trevor and pulled out his folding knife, joining his brother, whittling away in silence. Both boys were in the Boy Scouts of America and were proficient at knife usage and fire building, as well as first aid, life saving, shooting, swimming, etc. (the usual repertoire of a Boy Scout.) After some time whittling, it was clear that Preston was carving a small animal of some kind and that Trevor was crafting a bust. About that time there was some rustling from inside Matthew's tent and shortly he emerged. Stumbling about, wiping the sleep from his eyes, he started complaining about the amount of bug bites he had acquired thus far. He forgot his bug spray. Every camp out it was the same story, Matthew forgot something imperative. Once he forgot his sleeping bag, another time he forgot his flash light, he even on one occasion forgot to pack pants. Once he had finished his tangent and saw what the other guys were doing, Matthew wanted to do it also!
“Hey, Preston, can I use that knife?” Matthew asked.
“Not till I'm done, and that won't be soon,” replied Preston.
He knew he would get the same reply from Trevor so he tried a different approach, “Hey Trev, do you have another knife that I could borrow?”
“Where is your knife?” asked Trevor, but he knew the answer before it came.
“I forgot to pack it...”
“Well I didn't factor that in when I packed, I only brought this one” retorted Trevor
Matthew was relentless. “Yeah right, you always have like, a thousand knives.”
“What an exaggeration” thought Trevor, “what would I do with a thousand knives? Where could I even pack that many knives?” “ I lent most of them to you, and they are now either bent, dull, or lost. So this time I only packed this one and the fillet knife.” He argued.
“Alright, I'll just use the fillet knife.” Matthew proposed, as he set off to find it.
“No, it's not a good knife for whittling. The blade's too flimsy and long, and it's incredibly sharp,” Preston reasoned, but to no avail.
Matthew returned a short while later, looking rather pleased. With the fillet knife in hand, he started removing small shoots off the branch he had selected to whittle. The knife cut through the smaller branches like butter. It seemed to Matthew to be working out just fine, in fact: he showed them! But in reality, he was breaking the number one rule of knife safety: Never cut towards yourself. He had one hand at the far end of the stick and the knife wielding hand moving towards his trunk, where he had the stick rooted. As Trevor observed this, a cold shiver ran through him.
“Matthew, what are you doing? Don't cut toward yourself!” Trevor warned.
“Yeah man, that's dangerous and stuff” Preston chimed.
“It's fine, I know what I'm doing guys” Matthew said, not attempting to hide his annoyance.
“Hey, Matt, that knife is really sharp he's just lookin' out for you” said Preston defensively.
“Leave me alone guys!” Matthew yelled, “I know what I'm doing!”
As the last word left his mouth the knife slipped, and he cut into his forearm. Blood immediately poured out, covering his arm. He uttered a faint scream as he saw what happened, and then panic stuck him. All the color left his face, he looked like death, and he started breathing heavily. Trevor immediately got to his feet and swept over to investigate. Preston merely uttered a string of expletives, only serving to increase Matthew's panic. Trevor could see at once that the cut was just a glorified scratch. It only barely broke the skin, and there was no need for worry of death or serious injury. Yet, he realized, Matthew was too busy using every curse word known to man to take a minute to inspect his own damage.
“That's a really deep cut.” Trevor was testing him.
“I know, I think I felt it hit my bone” said Matthew between sobs. He was crying now.
“Yeah, you're bleeding a lot” Preston said innocently.
“Shouldn't you guys be doing something? I could die!” he pleaded.
“I don't know Matt, we can't do a lot for you. And by the time the ambulance gets here...” Trevor was playing a sinister game with Matthew's mind, but he justified it by thinking he was teaching him a valuable lesson.
“What? Won't they send in a helicopter or something?” Matthew was sobbing uncontrollably.
“No, too many trees” said Preston. He had caught on.
“I think you're going to die, Matt” said Trevor.
“No...” he moaned “... guys, I... I can feel my heart slowing down”
At this, Trevor realized he had to stop. So, he took the shirt off his back and cut it to pieces and used it to clean and then dress Matthew's wound. Matthew's skin healed, but his reputation always was marred by: “I can feel my heart slowing down.” Thus was the legacy of Matthew Steele.



The differences between black and white teas are like night and day. There is such a vast number of differences that this could be quite lengthy. So, for my sake and yours, we will focus on the most obvious. Then, we can explore each at length. I will explain the differences in processing so you understand the most basic differences. We can then move to the differences in health benefits gained from the processing methods. Of course we shall end with the difference in taste of white and black teas.
The processing of white tea is quite simple, young Camellia leaves are picked, briefly steamed, then dried. Black is more lengthy; Camellia leaves are picked then allowed to wither. Next is a rolling stage, where the leaves are rolled to break apart the cell membranes to allow the next step; the leaves are then allowed to ferment fully, last they are fired and dried. During the rolling process the cell membranes release oils, which give the tea a unique aroma. White tea is only produced in China, and it is not sold through public auctions. Many high quality white teas are only picked once a year and some are even picked only at twilight thus making it very rare!
The health benefits differ between the two teas significantly. It is a common misconception that green tea is the healthiest for you. In fact, all teas have different health benefits. White tea is the highest in anti-oxidants, and black tea is the lowest. Conversely black tea has the most caffeine, yet white tea has the least. White tea (having the most anti-oxidants) is great for your skin and complexion. Many cosmetic companies use white tea extract in their products due to their “anti-aging” effect. Black tea, having the most caffeine makes a good breakfast tea, acting as a gentle stimulant. Black tea also is very good for the heart. It helps prevent heart disease and stroke, and lowers blood pressure. Black tea is also very good to help regulate blood sugar and prevents absorption of cholesterol.
Drinking tea is not just the taste, but the aroma, the warm feeling it brings as you swallow, the sense of serenity. The taste is only half of the journey, albeit, an important half. The first step is the smell, as you bring the cup to your nose, you exhale, then inhale through your nose bringing the scent into your nasal cavity, let it linger before exhaling. Next you sip or “slurp” the tea, bringing in air and tea at the same time, allowing the tea to make contact with all of your taste buds at once. This enables you to really taste all the subtle nuances the tea has to offer. Once again, you should be able to taste the tea in your nasal cavity as well as in your mouth, as the scent and taste meld. Then of course, you swallow, concentrating on the undertones left lingering in your mouth. The reasons for me teaching you proper tasting is because without it I hear many people say white tea tastes like warm water. Yet if they tasted properly, they would know instantly that it has a delicate, pure taste. It is not exactly the same with black teas. Depending upon the region in which the tea was grown, (as well as the elevation, other plants in the vicinity, and temperature) it will have differing overtones, whether they be malty, smooth, nutty, smoky or cocoa notes. But black teas, when tasted properly, have many subtleties to be enjoyed as well. The body of black tea can be described as light, medium, or heavy; the light bodied blacks being referred to as “the champagne of teas” and more heavy bodied black get descriptions of burgundy. There is much more that could be said of black teas, but the basics (and maybe more) are there.
So, the next time you see that Snapple® commercial about white tea, you can think something like (to yourself): “white tea is good for my skin, and has a plethora of anti-oxidants. Not to mention it's quite rare.” Likewise, next time you are waking up to a nice cup of Darjeeling black tea, you may be attentive to the muscatel notes, and the orchid aroma, and of course rest assured that your tea was most likely picked by hand, and that it is good for your heart. My only wish is that you share this knowledge with someone, or, merely contemplate it over a nice cup of tea.


Open or Closed Circuits

Apparently Circuit City hasn't been doing well lately. When I say lately I actually mean for awhile. Circuit City might be shutting down stores to remain afloat and avoid bankruptcy. They are considering filing for bankruptcy protection. If they do then they would be joining some other retailers that have filed for bankruptcy protection like Linens 'n Things, Mervyn's and Sharper Image. To make matters worse Sony doesn't trust Circuit City anymore. Sony had their shipment turn around while in route to Circuit City. They don't think Circuit City's word is good anymore. Will it ever be good again? I went there once and haven't been back. So if you wan't Sony products don't go to Circuit City.
(Sources: Gizmodo, Marketwatch, Pic)